Born: 17 April 1705, Ingolsheim, Alsace, France Married: 14 December 1733, Mrs. Mary Catherine Bigler Died: 25 April 1787 Parents: Hans Thomas Bigler & Anna Maria Vogler Profession: Farmer Mark Bigler was born "Marx Bigler", the name appearing on his christening record. it is assumed that when Marx immigrated to the United States that the X was …
Layton Personal Ancestral File Users Group
If you’re in the Northern Utah area you might be interested in the Layton Personal Ancestral File Users Group (LPAFUG). LPFUG meets the last Wednesday of every month at 7:15 pm at the Layton Hills Family History Center (LHFHC), 2300 North 1200 West, Layton, Utah 84041. PAF helps you manage your family history (genealogy) information, …
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LDS Church and Family History Software
Many of you already know, the standard genealogy software for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been PAF (Personal Ancestral File). The software hasn’t seen an update in a long, long time, and most people have moved on to Legacy. I just read a Church Memo: no future development is planned for …